Friday, February 27, 2009
2/27/09 Ohio waters
I hit a trib in Ohio that runs into the Grand River. We managed to find a nice pod of fish. Not a bunch of fresh fish but still fun. I also wanted to comment on the guys from Maryland. These guys arrive and want to fish. They paid for a license and take legal limits of fish. I see nothing wrong with that. I actually have fished with a couple of these guys and have never found them to be rude. I think we all need to know and undertand that we will always have others fishing around us and to show each other respect. Not just for anglers but for others property. The Ohio rivers will take a couple more days to come down but keep an eye on the mile streams. Keep the reels screaming
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
2/25/09 Fishing
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
OCBS Meeting

2008 - 2009
February 26, 2009
Westside Membership Meeting
Ampol Club Map
February's meeting
You don't want too miss it!
This is our Steelhead Work Bench meeting which we tried last year with great success. By popular demand we are doing it again this year. It is open to the general public and there is no COST so bring a friend. Out of this we hope that we sign-up a few new members too support our cause.
This event covers everything you need to know to become a successful steelheader. Here's how it works. There will 13 stations setup covering everything you need to know about steelheading. Who knows better than OCBS, we have been educating steelheaders for 25 years.
Want to know how to smoke fish? We have Larry Singleton (OCBS Member) to explain how it's done.
Want to tie your own flies? We have four tiers that can show you how it's done to get you on your way. You will see how to tie yard flies, bugs, streams, tub flies and more. The fly tiers are:
Jerry Darkes (Angling Consultant)
Monte Casey (The Steelhead Guide)
Bob Williams (Screaming Reels Guide Service)
Jeff Zofchek (OCBS Member)
Want to learn how to tie spawn sacks and be efficient at it? You can! We have Ken Harper (OCBS Member) who will demonstrate everything you need to know about spawn (eggs). He didn't earn the nickname Spawn Chucker for nothing.
What about knots? Knots that are strong and have great tinsel strength. What knots are best for terminal tackle, meaning joining two lines, tying a hook to a leader and more. Tom Blotzer (OCBS VP) will be happy to show you the knots you need to know.
How about rigging your spinning rod. We have Dave Esner (OCBS Member) on hand to show you what you need to do for float fishing and bottom bouncing.
How about fly fishing? This is a very popular stopping point as many steelheaders have interest in learning how to catch steelhead with a fly rod. Les Ober (OCBS Member) will show you the rigs needed to catch and will explain much more as to how you fish your rigs.
Fly lines and Out Door Gear are very important to steelheaders. Will Turek (Mid-West Spey Schools) will be stationed to show you and talk to you about the different fly lines that are available for convention and Spey fisherman.
Jeff Liskay (Silver Fury Guide Service) will cover the gear you need when you are on the water. To be successful you need the right gear. Often new steelheaders purchase all the wrong gear before they learn what they really need and then have to purchase the right gear. Get it right he first time, Jeff will be able to point you in the right direction and you should be able to purchase the right gear you need.
Both Will and Jeff are spey fishing experts at swing flies. I'm sure they can answer any question you throw at them.
Center Pin fishing has become a popular way of catching steelhead. We see more and more anglers venturing over to fish the PIN. Mike Durkalec (OCBS Member) will be on hand to show and explain how you rig and fish a Center Pin. Mike was one first OH steelheaders to pickup a Pin and uses nothing else.
Backing up Mike will be Joe Santoli (OCBS Member) will cover everything else you need to know about Center Pinning.
What about your 2009 fishing license? The 2008 license expires February 28 and you will need a new license beginning March 1, 2009. Frank Simoncic (Rod Makers Shop) can hook you up. Seniors have a discounted fee while the rest have to pay $19.00. Only cash or checks will be accepted for payment.
To purchase your license online follow this link: Ohio Internet license sales system For information on regulations, prices and vendors, please visit: Hunting and Fishing Regulations
There will be a Chinese Raffle, 50/50 and Door Prizes too.
Mark you calendar and remember to bring a friend!
Monday, February 16, 2009
2/16/09 Ohio Waters
I wanted to post about my trip today. We fished a trib in Ohio on the east side. I fished with Wayne Flemming from P.A. We fished a spot that was loaded with fish. We used egg sacks all day and had a great time. Wayne told me that it wasn't all about catching fish today but he just wanted to learn. We arrived to find the slush and cold temps. We fished for a few hours and then sat in the car and kept warm. After warming we then headed back out into the cold water. Wayne was a good student and learned a bunch. I have attached a picture for your viewing pleasure. Ohio streams are almost all fishing except the Grand River and that should fish in a few days if we can stay clear of rain. Keep the reels screaming.
After one year of trying unsuccessfully to catch Steelhead, I decided to get educated on the art of Steelhead fishing. I became a student of Bob Williams from “Screaming Reels” guide service. This was the best thing I’ve done in years. Bob is an excellent teacher who provided me with the overall knowledge of reading the stream, selecting the right equipment and setting up the rod. He also instructed me in line and lure (bait) and most importantly the presentation. There were no hurry-up instructions. His explanations and demonstrations were detailed and easily remembered. Within a few hours, it was like fishing with an old buddy. I will recommend Bob to all my friends. I now have the confidence to go after the “Steelies” and for the first time really enjoy myself.
Wayne Flemming
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
2/11/09 Ohio River Reports
I wanted to post regarding the new conditions in Ohio. Almost every trib is blown out. The Chagrin mouth opened up and fed Lake Erie around 1700 on 2/10/09. The coast guard cutter went into the Grand River today and it's now feeding Lake Erie.
The feeders in Ohio are still running strong. I made my way up into Burton Ohio today and Silver creek is over it's banks. The Cuyahoga river that was once named the burning river was over its banks. The hill sections of Chardon and Burton still have some snow. We got a bunch more rain tonight and that will feed the rivers and creeks more water. I guess one good thing is that they should all have good numbers of fish. The Chagrin will take almost a week to come down. The Grand will take even longer. Keep the reels screaming.
The feeders in Ohio are still running strong. I made my way up into Burton Ohio today and Silver creek is over it's banks. The Cuyahoga river that was once named the burning river was over its banks. The hill sections of Chardon and Burton still have some snow. We got a bunch more rain tonight and that will feed the rivers and creeks more water. I guess one good thing is that they should all have good numbers of fish. The Chagrin will take almost a week to come down. The Grand will take even longer. Keep the reels screaming.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
River Report 2/8/09
I wanted to post regarding the conditions in Ohio. All the rivers and creeks have opened up. The conditions will change with the temps up above freezing. The melt will keep the rivers and creeks high and the rain will open them more. Most of the lowers sections on the rivers and creeks have jams at the mouth of the lake. Keep the reels screaming.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
2/4/09 Fishing Report

I wanted to post regarding the fishing conditions as of today 2/4/09. The rivers and creeks are still covered with ice. I will not write about boring stuff that happened years ago. I am not writing a book or telling a long boring story. I write about whats going on today and in the near future. Some guys get on their blogs and tell stupid stories. Lets talk Steelhead and more Steelhead. The weather will be changing this weekend with warmer temps and possibly rain. The weather is also showing temps in the 40's during the days and back down below freezing at night. This will then bring fresh Steelhead into the creeks and rivers during the night. I will keep you posted regarding the conditions as I see and hear about them. These will be arriving soon to a creek or river by you. Keep the reels screaming.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
2/01/09 New Year / River Reports
Today I wanted to write about a new year. Recently I had the opportunity to meet with Don Mathews of the Dfishingfool. We both agree that joining forces together we can form one of the biggest and the best guide services in Ohio,Pennsylvania and New York. We both have the same passion for fishing not fame. We both want our clients to learn and catch fish. We have fished almost all the tribs in Ohio P.A and New York for many years. Screamingreels guides are all looking forward to joining the forces of the Dfishingfool. We also will be having guides and staff at the Steelhead school in March. If your interested in the school go to the link below and sign up before all the spots are taken. Keep the reels screaming
Also most if not all the tribs are still frozen over. I was out and found a few spot open but most are covered over. Keep the reels screaming
Also most if not all the tribs are still frozen over. I was out and found a few spot open but most are covered over. Keep the reels screaming
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